
The Digital Humanities in Nordic and Baltic (DHNB) conference 2025 takes place in Tartu, in the Estonian National Museum from 5.-7. March 2025, with pre-conference workshops from 3. March.

With the special theme of 2025 ‘Digital Dreams and Practices’ we aim to delve into the synergy between dreams in digital humanities and their practical applications, seeking to maximize value for both academia and society at large.

Our focus sharpens on the transformative potential of AI, its integration with traditional humanities, and its role in transcending academic boundaries. We invite you to explore:

(1) the integration of traditional humanities scholarship with computational techniques;

(2) the transition of digital humanities research from the ‘ivory tower’ of academic theory to societal practice;

(3) the practical applications of Artificial Intelligence.

More information on: https://dhnb.eu/

Special call for panels for GLAM sector and heritage

We invite proposals for panels that facilitate discussions on the applications of digital technology within the GLAM sector, seeking to showcase and analyse innovative approaches to preserving, communicating, and interpreting cultural heritage. We are especially interested in cases that leverage digital cultural heritage for co-creation activities and other user engagement initiatives, which would support utilizing the potential of digital cultural heritage across cultural, educational, economic, and other fields.

We welcome contributions that highlight developments enabled by digital technologies that enhance accessibility and engagement to heritage institutions, creating opportunities for new audiences.

By introducing use cases, as well as presenting critical studies about the opportunities faced by the digital turn at the heritage sector, we aim to bring together both practitioners and scholars to enchance understanding of the meaningful impact digital innovation can have on cultural heritage.

The CFP for the DHNB2025 conference “Digital Dreams and Practices”’ can be found on the DHNB homepage at https://dhnb.eu/conferences/dhnb2025/.

We invite presentations, panels, posters, demos, tutorials and workshops that explore various forms of uses of digital heritage data. Apart from academics, experts from memory institutions are invited to share their experiences and knowledge.

1. The submission of the abstracts and proposals in the Conftool and the date is 22th of October, more information at https://dhnb.eu/conferences/dhnb2025/. Feel free to contact us on conference issues at dhnb2025@dhnb.eu

2. DHNB2025 has a new Doctoral Consortium track with the idea that doctoral students could present their ongoing studies, and get mentored by more experienced scholars. This consortium will take place during the pre-conference events. To encourage young researchers to participate in the conference, DHNB will provide up to six bursaries to cover reasonable travel and accommodation costs (up to 500€) for participating in this event. You can apply for the bursary at the same time as submitting your proposal. Please spread the word among your colleagues, friends, and students!

3. The DHNB Slack (https://join.slack.com/t/dhnb-eu/shared_invite/zt-2qfvwaddw-h_3_5nJCPIkMDbXW7d3t7A) is now on a free Pro plan with infinite history. As a service to the community, members of DHNB are invited to use the Slack for their small projects (there is a max 250-user cap in the free offering for non-profits, so don’t invite huge numbers of people).

The Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB) aims to promote and foster collaboration and network building among Nordic and Baltic digital humanities scholars and institutions. DHNB is an associate organization of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH). The conference is open to all participants.

DHNB2025 dates announced 

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